
350,000 TYP Ethylene Plant
Used 350,000 TYP Ethylene Plant is relocated in our site 2021. This Plant is designed to produce ethylene and propylene from naphtha and gas oil. Our Plan is to run this plant Mid of 2024. Major equipment is installed and upgraded through local and Engineers from Germany. Steam cracking furnace was overhaled in 2022 and is capable to process 40 tons/hr. New compressors and turbines were installed in 2022.

Major Equipment of our plant:

Naphtha furnace
Ethane furnace
Primary cut column
Oil stripping column
Distillation column
Quench tower
Process water stripping column
Cracking gas compressor
Stripping column
Caustic soda washing column
Condensate stripping column
Methanation column
Hydrogen purification cold box
Methane turbo expander
Propylene conversion column
C3 cut column
Propylene compressor
Ethylene conversion column
C2 cut column
Ethylene compressor.